Labore et ingenio vincere omnes!

Engineering Surveys

Engineering Company “2K” is a professional in engineering surveys that are an integral part of construction, regardless of facility size or scale and are included in project documents required for obtaining building permits. The accuracy of engineering and geodetic surveys is the key to the success of the whole project. Even minor errors can lead to adverse consequences and future damage caused by improper calculation of sedimentation, environmental disasters, etc. 

Engineering Company “2K” combining high-grade experts, state-of-the-art software and high-precision devices of the latest generation, integrated with the latest geodetic technologies and unique solutions, carries out a full range of professional geodetic and engineering surveys of various levels of complexity, including: 

1. Preliminary engineering and geodesic surveys; creation and of a geodetic base on the terrain for subsequent surveys in the local state plane coordinate system and the state system of heights; development of geodetic networks from state geodetic points and benchmarks; siting of land plots boundaries and turning points according to the documents submitted by the Customer; ordnance surveys (1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000, 1: 5000, 1: 10000); trace search for hidden utilities (including that using route finding equipment and georadars); siting of utility axes (field location), contours, points; execution of initial permits for the performance of engineering and geodetic surveys; delimitation plans, technical plans, cadastral passports; having documents approved by Rosreestr; adjustment of geodetic networks; listing of horizontal and vertical survey networks; geodetic plans (1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000, 1: 5000); reporting; having survey results approved by architectural agencies; 

2. Engineering and geodetic works during construction: creation, restoration, development and siting of the geodetic control network (GCN); high altitude bench marking; siting of points, axes, buildings, structures; monitoring of equipment geometry during installation; control terrain surveys, that of structures and their elements; deformation control benchmarking; strain gaging; issuance and approval of acceptance certificates; geodetic control networking; examination and approval of geodetic projects; development, appraisal and coordination of structural deformation monitoring programs; network adjustment; geodetic network listing; reporting; layout drawings; actual geodetic location sketches and drawings. 

3. Engineering and geodetic surveys on existing or commissioned facilities. Creation and of a geodetic base on the terrain for subsequent surveys in the local state plane coordinate system and the state system of heights; development of geodetic networks from state geodetic points and benchmarks; survey of structures, their elements; deformation control benchmarking; strain gaging; issuance and approval of acceptance certificates; geodetic control networking; examination and approval of geodetic projects; development, appraisal and coordination of structural deformation monitoring programs; technical plans, cadastral passports; having documents approved by Rosreestr; having survey results approved by architectural agencies; actual geodetic location sketches and drawings.